62, Armeyskaya st.
Novopolotsk, Borovuha-1
Republic of Belarus

Platinum resistive temperature transducer. Design6 (type DS-cable)


This resistive temperature transducer is applied for temperature measurement in systems of control and automatic regulation of different purpose.

It’s used for mounting to pipelines DN25.


This temperature transducer consists of a sensing element, which is located in a protection tube, a cable with tips with the proper amount of wires and a fastening elements (a mobile fitting and CAF gasket).


The temperature transducer are installed immediately in valves, T-couplers, etc. through a transitive nut.

When installing in a ball valve, it’s became unnecessary to lighten the systems while mounting and to change a temperature transducer after the recalibration interval has been finished.

Technical Features

Measuring temperature range,°С from 0 to plus 160 from minus 50 to plus 180
Mounting part length, mm 27,5
Wiring diagram(circuit) 4-wire; 2-wire;
Class А or В (СТБ EN 60751), AA
Fastening Mobile fitting М10х1,0
Protective fitting, mm ∅4
For measuring temperature range 0 - plus 160°С recalibration interval is 4 years;

minus 50 - plus 180°С recalibration interval 4 years.


Connecting with an external device is made with the help of the proper section of a cable and the amount of wires corresponding to the temperature transducer circuit.

Connecting wires tips are pressed out by the cable tips of two colors: white and red. When the circuit is 4-wire, wires with inner connections are depicted in the same color.

Design Exmples

Design ∅D, mm Lраб, mm Mobile fastening NSH Class Circuit tраб,°С Cable, m
ТСП-Н,5 4 27,5 Fitting М10x1,0 Pt100 А 4-wire -50...+180 1,5
ТСП-Н 4 27,5 Fitting М10x1,0 Pt100 В 2-wire -50..+180 1
ТСП-Н 4 27,5 Fitting М10x1,0 Pt500 В 2-wire 0..+160 2
If you want to order not mentioned designs you should follow the technical features and ordering diagram of resistive temperature transducers TSP-N and KTSP-N.