62, Armeyskaya st.
Novopolotsk, Borovuha-1
Republic of Belarus

Platinum resistive temperature transducer. Design7 (type Pl-head)


The resistive temperature transducer is intended for temperature measurement of loose, liquid and gaseous media in stationary and mobile control systems of different purpose.

This temperature transducer should be used with a protection sleeve.


The temperature transducer consists of a sensing element in a protection tube c6 and a terminal block.

Constructively this temperature transducer is intended for usage in a proective sleeve with a hermetic corps of aluminum. fastening is made with the help of spring-loaded screws, which tightly pressthe temperature transducer to a protective sleeve base.


The temperature transducer is mounted to a pipeline with the help of protective sleeve GZ8-X and weldolets BP1(or BP2) or without it.

The temperature transducer should be installed in a protective sleeve, then the connection with an external device and covering a lid and fixing it with a screw should be made, creating tight joint.

A leaden seal is fixed through a fixing lid screw and it helps to prevent from an access to the circuit.

Technical Features

Measuring temperature range,°С from 0 to plus 160 from minus 50 to plus 180
Mounting part length, mm 160; 200; 250; 320; 400
Wiring diagram (circuit) 4-wire; 2-wire;
Class А or В (СТБ EN 60751), AА
Fastening Mounting to a protection sleeve
Protective fitting, mm ∅6
For measuring temperature range 0 - plus 160°С recalibration interval is 4 years;

minus 50 - plus 180°С recalibration interval 4 years.


Connection with an external device is made with the help of the proper section cable with the amount of wires and corresponding to the temperature transducer circuit.

Design Examples

Design ∅D, mm Lраб, mm Fastening NSH Class Circuit tраб,°С
ТСП-Н 6 160 In-situ Pt100 А 4-wire -50...+180
ТСП-Н 6 200 In-situ Pt100 В 2-wire -50..+180
ТСП-Н 6 250 In-situ Pt500 А 4-wire -50..+180
ТСП-Н 6 320 In-situ Pt500 В 2-wire 0..+160
ТСП-Н 6 400 In-situ Pt100 А 4-wire 0..+160
If you want to order not mentioned design you should follow the technical features and ordering diagrams of the concrete type of the resistive temperature transducer TSP-N.