62, Armeyskaya st.
Novopolotsk, Borovuha-1
Republic of Belarus

Platinum Resistive Temperature Transducers TSP-N


This resistive temperature transducer is applied for temperature control and measurement of liquid, firm, loose and gaseous media.

Fields of usage

Ensure the functioning of recording devices, systems of control and automatic regulation in industry, laboratory researches, agriculture.

Stability to Influences

The temperature transducers correspond to climatic design group - D3, according to GOST 12997, are situated outside and are subjected to the influence of atmospheric factors (immediate heating by the sun-rays, wind, rain, frozen rain, icing over).

The temperature transducers are firm and stable to vibration influence and correspond to design group - N2 ( according to GOST 12997). They are situated in some places suffered from vibration from working mechanisms of industrial objects.

Protection degree - IP65 according to GOST 12254 (dust-proof and is protected from water jets).

Immersion Depth

The minimal immersion depth when the temperature transducer still preserves its methrological features: Lmin=5·∅Dpt+Ls where: Dpt - diameter of the protective tube, mm; Ls - length of sensing elements, mm.

The usage of small-sized sensing elements and protection fitting allows creating the temperature transducers with a small immersion depth and shorter response time.

Methrological Features

The temperature transducers have the standardized statistic feature(NSH - the unique sensor curve) Pt50, Pt100, Pt500, Pt1000, 100П.

NSH, nominal value of measured current and ratio α are represented in the following table:

Values of Measuring Current and ratio α
measuring current, mА
Pt 502,00,00385
Pt 1001,00,00385
Pt 5000,20,00385
Pt 10000100,00385

Self heating effect does not exceed 0,3°C (acc. to СТБ EN 60751) when nominal measuring current value is chosen.

Thermoelectric Effect

The usage of the best sensing elements of some foreign producers helps to reduce the thermoelectric power effect practically to zero.

Accuracy Classes

The limits of acceptable departure from NSH(°С)depending on a class correspond to:

  • - for class АА: +(0,1+0,0017·|t|)
  • - for class А: +(0,15+0,002·|t|)
  • - for class B: +(0,3+0,005·|t|)

Response Time

Thanks to the unique construction of the temperature transducer, tight protection fitting diameters limits and location of protective sleeve these temperature transducers have a short response time on temperature step change.

The regulated parameters of the temperature transducers and stability of the parameters during a long period of exploitation are guaranteed by the correct installation, usage of the protective sleeves and component parts produced by the manufacturer.

Resistance Pt100 - Temperature Relationship Values (acc. to СТБ EN 60751)

The values are given without taking into consideration the resistance of the temperature transducer cable with the wire always switched on.


Notation of the temperature transducers TSP-N