The enterprise has a well equipped production base with up-to date test equipment enabling testing and checking products manufactured on-site. High quality of products is ensured by highly skilled personnel and the quality control system is certified to Quality Management System ISO 9001.
The products of the enterprise are widely used in many different branches of the economy and industry of the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.
The products represented in this catalogue have been listed in state register of measuring means.
In 2009, the enterprise product item "ResistiveTemperature Transducer Sets KTSP-N" became the winner of the contest "The Best Goods of the Republic of Belarus" and also of the contest "The Best Belarusian Goods of the Russian Market" in 2010.
Our enterprise always widens the line of goods, improves the construction and operational characteristics of the manufactured products. Our compact industry allows manufacturing not only serial products but also developing experienced parcel of products to order on your request in the shortest possible time.